programs & Enrollment
When choosing Montessori for your child, you as a parent should be aware the program is sequential. Maximum benefit is derived if the child enters the program by the age of two and remains in the Montessori program through his/her kindergarten year.
our programs
montessori preparation CLASSROOM (AGES 2-3)
The Montessori Preparation (MP) classroom is specifically designed for our youngest students who are now beginning to consciously absorb information from their environment. The focus will be the foundation of Montessori: independence, grace & courtesy, and fine motor work. The primary goal of the MP classroom is to develop kind, resilient problem solvers, whose curiosity and confidence guide them through self-directed activities. This newfound interest in learning emphasizes intrinsic motivation, where students derive satisfaction from the learning process itself rather than external rewards. The MP classroom is consciously prepared with few materials to not overstimulate the children. This will help them find comfort in their new environment, as they navigate separation from parents in the first days of school. Children entering the MP classroom do not need to be toilet trained. Around the 2 ½ year mark, toilet training will begin for those who demonstrate readiness. Children in this program have the option to attend a half-day program if space is available. (Space is limited to a specific number of half-day seats).
Class instruction is from 8:45am to 2:35pm, Monday through Friday. The half-day program is from 8:45am to 11:30am, Monday through Friday.
- Annual Tuition: $13,300 or Monthly Installments: $1,330 (full day)
- Annual Tuition: $10,200 or Monthly Installments: $1,020 (half day)

3-6 CLASSROOM (Prek/Kindergarten)
Our two PreK/Kinder classrooms are traditional Montessori “mixed age” classrooms with children ranging from 3 to 6 years old. It is the Montessori belief that children receive enriched education and social development through this mixed aged environment. Our 3 to 6, PreK/Kinder program offers a complete curriculum including practical life, language development and writing, geography, mathematics, sensory education, botany, zoology, and other sciences. As they move through these areas of the classroom, the children develop their own capabilities, take charge of their own learning, and become accountable for their own knowledge. In addition to the Montessori areas of the classroom, projects such as art, cooking, creative movement, cultural projects, music, and gardening, are integrated into the curriculum. The goal of the PreK/Kinder classrooms is to prepare the child, both academically and socially, for ultimate success in their educational years ahead. Our policy requires each child be toilet-trained, and at least three years of age by their start date.
Children who are 5 yrs old by September 1st are eligible for our Kindergarten program. Montessori children complete their preschool years with a strong foundation for learning and a confident sense of self. Heading into Kindergarten, these children are now ready to “apply the fruits of their labor.” With their heightened interest in learning, Kindergarteners will continue to progress in their academic achievements and social development.
Class instruction for our 3-6 classrooms is from 8:15am to 2:50pm (Room 101) and 8:30am to 3:05pm (Room 102), Monday through Friday.
Our youngest, three yr old students have the option of attending a half-day program if space is available (space is limited to a specific number of half-day seats). 8:15am to 11:45am (Room 101) and 8:30am to 12:00pm (Room 102), Monday through Friday.
- Annual Tuition: $12,300 or Monthly Installments: $1,230 (full day)
- Annual Tuition: $10,550 or Monthly Installments: $1,055 (half day)

summer camp program
Lodi Montessori conducts two fun-filled, educational Summer Camps, offered as an added component to the yearly program. The two-week camps will be conducted once in June and once in July. Summer camp is intended to be a fun and relaxing time for your child. Summer activities will relate to the children’s favorite areas of learning during the school year. Additionally, there will be various hands-on activities for the children during weekly themes such as the ocean, zoo, occupations, etc. Children will also enjoy outdoor water games to beat the heat. This program is only available to current LoMo families. Summer enrollment is based on a first-come, first-serve basis.

areas of learning
practical life
Practical Life activities are offered to assist the child in developing a sense of order, concentration, coordination, independence, respect for others, fine motor skills, grace & courtesy, and self-esteem. This area of learning allows children to imitate adult activities they see every day, and is designed to teach the child to function on their own. Exercises include sorting, folding, sweeping, pouring, food preparation, care of self and care of the environment. As a result of these activities, the child’s attention span lengthens, they pay attention to detail, and they learn good work habits.

Students use hands-on materials rather than struggling with abstract concepts, so they can visualize what happens during mathematical operations. Lessons are sequential, each one building upon the one before. Children first learn simple counting and number recognition, then progress to skip counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and place value etc., using concrete materials.

sensorial development
The Sensorial area provides an array of activities in which students can utilize their five senses to develop cognitive skills through hands-on learning. Sensorial materials help the child to learn concepts of size, color, and shape, while improving their fine and gross motor skills. The children compare heights, weights, colors, sounds, smells, textures, and shapes.

- Geography Starting with land, water, and air, and progressing to studying the world’s different regions through photographs, art, geo-molds and geography puzzles.
- Culture Every month we emphasize a specific continent or area of the world. Children are exposed to the names of the continents and countries. They are introduced to a culture’s food, music, dance, art, holidays, etc. Our children come to enjoy and respect the diversity in their classroom and community.
- History By examining their own timeline from birth to present, and their own family tree, children gain their first sense of history as the concept of time is brought to life.
- Botany assists the child in exploring the biological aspects of his environment, which helps him develop an appreciation for nature. The study of botany is implemented using live plants as a knowledge and interest catalyst.
- Zoology sparks the child’s natural fascination with animals. We learn about animals all over the world, while also reinforcing respect for their needs and habitats.
- Science Experiments are intriguing and hands-on. Prediction and analysis are incorporated into each experiment.

language arts
According to the Montessori philosophy, learning to read and write should be as natural as learning to speak. Through a multitude of activities and sound games, a child first learns his phonics. Continued work with sight words, phonograms and blends lead to phonetic writing and fluent reading. Children first learn to write their own creative sentences using the Montessori Moveable Alphabet. Other areas of focus include grammar, journal writing and poetry.

How To Enroll
To apply for enrollment in Lodi Montessori, families will complete a tour/interview with the Director of Admissions during which the dynamics of our school will be discussed. This will also serve as an observation day for the parents to familiarize themselves with Lodi Montessori and to find answers to any questions they might have. A new student enrollment packet will be given, and the family and school can proceed with the admission process.
Children may enroll in Lodi Montessori after their name comes to the top of our waiting list and they meet the minimum age/toileting requirements. Siblings of enrolled children are placed on a separate waiting list and have the option of enrolling before children on the general waiting list. Families will have three days to respond when an offer is made. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of the child’s seat and placement will go to the next applicant on the waiting list.
enrollment procedures
Parent(s) attend a pre-enrollment tour/interview/observation with the Director of Admissions
Enrollment paperwork is completed, and both the deposit and registration fee are paid
Child’s immunization record is on file
Spaces will be filled with the children on the waitlist during the school year when there is a vacancy.
How To Get on the waitlist
Our waitlist is on a first come first serve basis. Families are required to complete a tour prior to being placed on the waitlist. There is no cost to be placed on the list. When a spot becomes available, the Director will contact the next family on the waitlist in order of priority.